TheGreenBow leader in enterprise security software for remote users announces its participation as a founding member of the Club HexaTrust, bringing together 12 French players in the security of information systems, cybersecurity and digital trust.

This alliance meets the needs of enterprises, government, public and private organizations of any size, with the desire to benefit from European innovative offers that will cover all their IT security requirements.

Beyond their European footprint, the aim of the HexaTrust members is also to boost their international growth by sharing their experience, their networks and to leverage access to worldwide markets.

HexaTrust will operate in close collaboration with industry organizations, user groups, major players as well as institutional stakeholders who work at strengthening the Cyber Security and Digital Trust industry, by supporting the development of innovative and growing mid-size companies.

The founding members of the HexaTrust Club are Wallix, Keynectis-Opentrust, Deny All, Ilex, Netheos, TheGreenBow, inWebo, Olfeo, Brainwave, Vade Retro Technology, Arismore et Bertin Technologies.

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